
Verb + door

open the door

close the door

shut the door

slam the door

lock the door

knock on the door

break down the door

Common expressions

hold the door open

the door leads to the (kitchen)

enter by the (front) door

stand outside a door

There's someone at the door.


Verb + door

  1. Close the door quietly behind you when you leave. Try not to slam or shut it.

  2. I always knock on my son's bedroom door before going into his room.

  3. The fireman had to break down the front door of the flat to get in.

  4. Remember to lock the front door before you go to bed.

Common expressions

  1. The burglars entered by the back door.

  2. There's someone at the door. Could you see who it is?

  3. This door leads to the dining room, and the other one opens onto the balcony.

  4. He was standing outside the door of the bank, waiting for it to open.

  5. Can you hold the door open for me while I bring this chair in?


Note these expressions with ‘door handle’:

I turned the door handle and pushed the door open.

My jacket caught on the door handle as I was leaving the room.