Video / DVD

Verb + Video / DVD

  • turn the video on

  • stop the video

  • work the video

  • program the video

  • rent a video

  • watch a video

  • make a video of (a wedding)

  • show a video

  • The DVD of the film is out now.


Verb + video / DVD

  1. I've programed the video to start recording Neighbors at 5 o'clock.

  2. I don't know how to turn the video on. Do you?

  3. Can you stop the video for a moment? I think I heard the doorbell.

  4. Do you know how to work the video recorder? I've no idea how to get it to start or eject a tape.

Verb + video / DVD

  1. I'm not sure how much it costs to rent a video for a night. - e

  2. Let's stay at home tonight and watch a video. I don't feel like going out. - c

  3. Rewind the video to the beginning before you return it to the video store. - d

  4. They're making a video of the school play to sell to raise money for charity. - b

  5. The movie isn't out on DVD yet. I think it comes out next month. - a


  1. A blank video is a cassette with nothing recorded on it:

    Has anyone got a blank video? ld like to record the football while I'm out at work.

  2. Video is being replaced by DVD these days:

    You can get the film on video or dud.

  3. Music is recorded on CD or cassette:

    1. The album is available on CD or cassette.

    2. They're giving away a free CD with this magazine.

    3. You've won the latest Coldplay CD plus two tickets for their concert in Glasgow.

    4. He downloads his favorite songs from the internet and burns them onto CDs.