Test 4











1. Identifying the key word

  1. [moon] appear, shine, full, new

  2. [rain] get caught in, pour with, start, heavy

  3. [wind] blow, change, drop, high

  4. [cloud] float, dark, low, storm

  5. [sun] comes out, rise, set, shine

  6. [star] look up at, sleep under, shine, bright

  7. [snow] fall, melt, deep, heavy

  8. [fog] clear, roll in, thick, heavy

  9. [ice] crack, form, melt, thin

  10. [sky] brighten, look up at, clear, blue

2. The correct collocation

  1. The sky cleared / emptied and the sun came out.

  2. It’s a good idea to avoid / miss the hot midday sun.

  3. It was easy to see where we were going because of the ***************complete / full moon.

  4. There was no moon and the stars were ******************flashing / shining brightly.

  5. I got soaking wet in the **************heavy / strong rain.

  6. During the storm lightning *****************flashed / shone across the sky.

  7. The low cloud lifted / went up and we were able to see the top of the mountain.

  8. There was a heavy ***drop / fall of snow overnight.

  9. Ice ***************forms / is made on the lake in winter.

  10. It was difficult to walk in the ***************heavy / high winds.

3. Key word quiz

  1. I needed my sunglasses to drive because the sun was in my eyes.

  2. The snow is very deep in places. Over 40cm fell last night.

  3. A strong wind was blowing when we arrived in Sydney.

  4. We should see the new moon tonight.

  5. I got caught in the rain without an umbrella as I left work.

  6. The plane landed safely after it was struck by lightning.

  7. I looked out of my window at a clear, blue sky.

  8. The ice on the lake is very thin, so don’t walk on it.

  9. You couldn’t see two meters in front of you in the thick fog.

  10. It’s a bit cloudy tonight, so you won’t be able to see so many stars.

4. Prepositions

  1. We slept on the beach *************below / under the stars.

  2. The moon disappeared behind / under a cloud.

  3. We took shelter from / out the rain under a large tree.

  4. We got lost in / inside thick fog on our way down the mountain.