
Verb + milk

  • heat milk

  • use up the milk

  • pour milk (into a jug, cup)

  • take milk in (your tea)

  • milk comes from (cows)

Common expressions

  • low fat / semi-skimmed milk

  • warm milk

  • a bottle / carton of milk

  • a pint / liter of milk

  • be allergic to milk

  • the milk smells off


Verb + milk

  1. I poured the milk from the carton into a jug, and put it on the breakfast table.

  2. Do you take milk in your tea?

  3. Believe it or not, I was 8 before I learned that milk comes / came from cows!

  4. Can you heat the milk for the baby's bottle, please?

  5. Someone's used up all the milk! What am I going to put on my cereal?

Common expressions

  1. My son is allergic to cows' milk, so I have to buy goat's milk. - b

  2. This milk smells off. I'll open a new carton just to be safe. - d

  3. Milk came in bottles when I was a boy. It comes in cartons now. - e

  4. We've recently switched over to low fat milk. It's much better for you. - a

  5. I usually have a cup of warm milk before bed. I find it helps me to sleep. - c