
Verb + mouth

  • open / close your mouth

  • burn your mouth

  • wipe your mouth (with a tissue)

Common expressions

  • a (funny, horrible) taste in your mouth

  • put something in your mouth

  • talk with your mouth full

  • (the food) makes your mouth water


Verb + mouth

  1. I wish he'd close his mouth when he's eating! It's not a pretty sight!

  2. The dentist asked me to open my mouth wide.

  3. At the end of the meal I wiped my mouth with the napkin.

  4. The tea burned my mouth. I should have waited until it had cooled down a little!

Common expressions

  1. Don't talk with your mouth full! - d

  2. The medicine left a horrible taste in my mouth. - a

  3. He put a strawberry into his mouth and swallowed it whole. - b

  4. The wonderful smell of baking made my mouth water. - c


  1. If you are very nervous, your mouth goes dry.

    In the middle of my speech, my mouth went dry. It was good I had a glass of water!

  2. The mouth of a river is where it enters the sea.