
Verb + vegetables

  • grow vegetables

  • cook / boil / steam vegetables

  • overcook the vegetables

  • store vegetables

Adjective + vegetable

  • fresh vegetables

  • frozen vegetables

  • green vegetables

  • organically-grown vegetables


Verb + vegetables

  1. I usually steam vegetables rather than boil them. They have more flavor that way.

  2. We grow all our own vegetables in our garden.

  3. You need to store vegetables in a cool dry place.

  4. The meat was fine, but the vegetables were overcooked and tasteless.

Adjective + vegetables

  1. All these vegetables are home-grown. They're fresh from the garden. - d

  2. I prefer to buy organically-grown vegetables. I think they're safer to eat. - c

  3. Fresh vegetables taste much better than frozen vegetables. - b

  4. There are lots of vitamins in green vegetables. - a