Bath and shower

Verb + bath/shower

Have a bath

Take a bath

Have a shower

Take a shower

Get into the bath

Get into the shower

Get out of the bath

Get out of the shower

Clean the bath

Clean the shower

Adjective + bath/shower

A hot bath/shower

A long bath/shower

Vert + bath

lie in the bath

run a bath - 给浴缸放水

The bath overflows

Verb + shower

turn on/off the shower

have a quick shower

have a cold shower


  1. I undressed quickly and got into the bath.

  2. How often do you have a bath?

  3. When I got out of the shower, I discovered there were no towels in the bathroom!

  4. Don’t forget to clean the bath when you’ve finished. There’s a cloth under the basin.

  5. I’ll be home in about twenty minutes. Could you run a bath for me, please?

  6. I turned off the shower and reached for a towel.

  7. My brother lies in the bath for ages, which means that nobody else can get into the bathroom!

  8. Marta! Run up to the bathroom and turn the water off before the bath overflows.

  9. Have I got time for a quick shower before we have to leave for the theater?

  10. I had a long, hot bath after the game to soothe my aching muscles. I soaked for nearly an hour.

  11. He has a cold shower every morning to wake himself up. I don’t know how he can do that!

  12. I love standing under a hot shower when I get back from work in the evening. It only takes a couple of minutes to relax the tense muscles in my neck.


Could you see who is at the door? I am in the bath.

Turn the taps off or the bath will overflow!

Last updated