Test 19








Identifying the key word

  1. [page] - read, turn, new, blank

  2. [class] - attend, be top of, miss, teach

  3. [school] - attend, leave, change, rules

  4. [test] - do, mark, pass, revise for

  5. [student] - graduate, bright, hard-working, full-time

  6. [lesson] - give, have, enjoy, prepare

  7. [teacher] - teach, enthusiastic, former, strict

  8. [book] - read, write, boring, good

Choose the correct collocation

  1. A friend of mine was banned / expelled from school for hitting the teacher with a book.

  2. I'd like to become / make a teacher after I leave school.

  3. Many students never finish their courses. They drop off / out after a few months.

  4. I've lost / missed a lot of classes this week.

  5. The history teacher, Mr Wilson, did / gave a great lesson on ancient Egypt today.

  6. We did / made a maths test yesterday and I failed again!

  7. Key Words is actually quite a good name / title for a book for English students, isn't it?

  8. Quite often there are blank / empty pages at the end of a book.

Key word quiz

  1. At school, Jane was a brilliant student - always top of the class.

  2. I spend about two hours every evening preparing all my lessons for the next day.

  3. I’ll have to stay in this weekend. I have to revise for my chemistry test Monday.

  4. Can I photocopy two pages from this book, please?

  5. He's a terrible teacher. I've learnt almost nothing since I joined his class.

  6. Pauline! You're day-dreaming again. I wish you would pay more attention in class.

  7. Mr Hill gave the most brilliant English lesson today. It was really interesting.

  8. In the UK, you can leave school at 16, but many students stay on until they are 18


  1. I was late at / for school today. I missed the bus.

  2. Some students find it difficult to adapt to / with life away from home.

  3. We had a really good lesson in / on global warming in geography today.

  4. The teacher gave no marks to my friend, Pete, because he cheated at / in the test.

  5. I think he's in the library browsing among / through the books.

  6. My eyes were tired and it was difficult to read the words in / on the page.