Photograph and Photo

Verb + photo

  • take photos

  • show photos to (you)

  • see a photo of (my family)

  • pose for a photo

  • get your photos developed

  • frame a photograph

Common expressions

  • carry a photo in your (wallet)

  • photos bring back memories

  • recognize someone from a photo

  • stick photos to a wall


Verb + photograph

  1. Would you like to see a photo of our new grandson in Canada? He's now 5 and our daughter sends us new photos of him every six months or so.

  2. Did you take many photographs while you were in China?

  3. We all had to stand still and pose for a family photograph outside the church. There were almost 50 of us!

  4. That's a great photo of you. You should get it framed.

  5. Pam brought some photographs of her family to school to show the other students.

  6. I need to get my holiday photos developed. I can't wait to see what they look like! I just haven't had the time till now.

Common expressions:

  1. At the airport, I recognized Lars from the photograph he had sent me. - c

  2. I carry a photo of my wife in my wallet. - e

  3. The photo of Goa brought back some wonderful memories of my holiday there. - a

  4. The photos didn't come out very well. Many of them were out of focus or too dark. - b

  5. Kevin sticks photos his girlfriends all over his bedroom wall! - d


  1. Note that we keep photos in an album:

    When was the last time you looked through your wedding album?

  2. We often use picture to mean photo:

    Take a picture of me!

  3. With a digital camera, you need to download your photos onto your computer and print them at home. With a conventional camera, you take the film to a photo shop and have it developed.

  4. You can enlarge a photo you like and have it framed.