
Verb + crop

  • plant crops

  • grow crops

  • spray crops

  • harvest crops

  • (the weather) ruins crops


Verb + crop

  1. Unfortunately, 10 days of heavy rain have totally ruined the crops.

  2. Did you know that most farmers spray their crops with harmful pesticides?

  3. Most of our land is used for growing cash crops, like tobacco, cotton and tea.

  4. We need to employ extra workers at the beginning of the growing season when we plant the crops, and at the end of the season when we harvest them.


  1. Genetically-modified crops are commonly known as GM crops:

    ************************************************************There’s an anti-GM-crop demonstration at Hill Farm tomorrow.

  2. In example 3, cash crops are crops which are grown in order to make money.

  3. Crops grow in “soil”:

    Carrots grow well in sandy soil.

  4. Notice this example:

    *****************We got a good crop of strawberries this year. It was a good year for them.