
Verb + coffee

  • drink coffee

  • have a coffee

  • make coffee

  • pour coffee

  • spill coffee (on the floor)

Adjective + coffee

  • black coffee

  • white coffee

  • strong coffee

  • weak **********************coffee

  • instant coffee

  • fresh coffee

  • hot coffee

  • a quick coffee

Noun + of + coffee

  • a *********cup / mug of coffee

  • a jar of coffee

  • a sip of your coffee

  • the smell of coffee


Verb + coffee

  1. I spent much of my student life sitting around drinking coffee.

  2. The waiter poured me some more coffee as we waited for the bill to arrive.

  3. Sorry. I've spilled some coffee on your carpet. Have you got a wet cloth!

  4. Let’s have a coffee before we start the shopping.

  5. I'll clear the table if you make the coffee. There's a jar beside the bread bin.

Adjective + coffee

  1. I burnt my mouth on some hot coffee. I should have waited until it had cooled!

  2. I'll make some fresh coffee if anyone wants some more.

  3. Do you take your coffee black or white?

  4. Do you think we've got time for a quick coffee before the lecture?

  5. I find it difficult to get to sleep if I drink strong coffee in the evening.

  6. We don't have any real coffee but you'll find a jar of instant coffee in the cupboard above the sink.

Noun + of + coffee

  1. We get through a whole jar of coffee every week. - b

  2. I love the smell of freshly ground coffee. - e

  3. Oscar handed round mugs of hot coffee. - d

  4. Any chance of a cup of coffee, Jill? - c

  5. I took a sip of the coffee and spat it out. It tasted like dishwater! - a


  1. Note these expressions:

  • The neighbors invited us in for coffee.

  • How do you like your coffee?

  • I'm dying for a cup of coffee. (I need one now.)

  1. Note these kinds of coffee:

  • Instant coffee consists of coffee granules. Real coffee is made with coffee beans.

  • You grind coffee beans to make filter coffee or an espresso.

  • Decaffeinated coffee is coffee with no caffeine in it.