
Common expressions

  • have fair / dark skin

  • your skin is itchy

  • hard / soft skin

  • scrape the skin off (your knees)

  • your skin peels


Common expressions

  1. If you have very fair skin, you shouldn't sit in the hot sun for very long. - f

  2. My skin is so itchy, I can't stop scratching myself. - c

  3. I crashed my motorbike and scraped all the skin off my knees. - b

  4. I keep my skin soft by using lots of hand cream. - e

  5. I find his dark skin and black eyes very attractive. - d

  6. I got badly sunburnt on holiday and now the skin is beginning to peel off my arms. - a


A 'scar' is a mark left on the skin when a cut heals:

  • He had a big scar across his cheek.

  • The cut is quite deep, and it will probably leave a scar.