
Verb + sun

the sun rises

the sun comes up

the sun sets

the sun goes down

the sun shines

the sun comes out

Common expressions

avoid the sun

keep out of the sun

sit in the sun

dry something in the sun

the sun is in your eyes

shield your eyes from the sun


Verb + sun

  1. After ten minutes the rain stopped, and the sun came out again.

  2. I love to get up early and watch the sun rise / come up.

  3. Be careful when you’re on holiday. Put on lots of sun cream and avoid the midday sun.

  4. We sat drinking by the sea, watching the sun go down.

Common expressions

  1. We dried our wet swimming costumes in the sun. (b)

  2. I wear a baseball cap to shield my eyes from the sun. (d)

  3. I can’t sit in the sun for very long. I’ve got very fair skin. (a)


  4. I can’t see a thing. The sun’s in my eyes. (c)


Note these common expressions:

We’re having a great time here, soaking up the sun.

During the holidays we lazed around in the sun all day long.


I’ve got sunburn on the back of my neck. I must remember to wear a hat next time.