
Verb + toilet

need the toilet - 要上厕所

go to the toilet

use the toilet

flush the toilet

Have you been to the …?

Toilet + noun

toilet facilities - 卫浴设备

toilet paper

the toilet seat - 马桶座圈

Adjective + toilet

ladies/gents toilet

public toilets

disabled toilet


  1. Don’t forget to wash your hands after you’ve gone to the toilet.

  2. I need the toilet, so can you stop the video for a few minutes?

  3. We couldn’t use the public toilets in the park because they had been .

  4. Nobody could use the toilet because it was .

  5. Excuse me, is there a disabled toilet? My friend is in a wheelchair.

  6. There was a sign above the which said, ”Please flush the toilet when finished.”

  7. There was a queue outside the lady's toilets. Why is there never one outside the gents?

  8. Maria, we’re out of toilet paper. Could you get some when you’re out?

  9. I wish your grandfather would remember to put the toilet seat up!

  10. There was no wheelchair access and no disabled toilet facilities at the concert.


  1. The informal word 'loo' is often used for toilet: I’ll just go to the loo before the film starts.

  2. In the UK public toilets are sometimes called public conveniences.

  3. In the USA, the toilet in your home is the bathroom, and in a public place is the restroom.

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