Test 8








1. Identifying the key word

  1. [seat] - leave, reserve, aisle, empty

  2. [license] - hold, lose, be endorsed

  3. [road] - block, cross, busy, icy

  4. [ticket] - buy, issue, lottery, plane

  5. [driver] - speed, drunk, safe

  6. [tourist] - visit, attraction, destination

  7. [journey] - break, make, set off on, long

  8. [queue] - join, jump, stand in

  9. [tour] - coach, guided, package

2. The correct collocation

  1. We'll drive home once the roads are clear / open. I hate driving in heavy traffic.

  2. Too many people today do / make the journey to work by car.

  3. My brother's still a learner / trainee driver, but he's going to sit his test next month.

  4. I've got a clean / clear license. I've never been fined for speeding or any other driving offense.

  5. Turkey is a very popular tourist destination / place for British tourists.

  6. The queue for tickets ran / stretched right round the corner.

  7. Is the seat next to you free or is it saved / taken?

3. Key word quiz

  1. The driver lost control of the car and it hit a wall.

  2. If your journey is a long one, make sure you break it at regular intervals.

  3. The Tower of London is visited by nearly a million tourists every year.

  4. I got a parking ticket for stopping on some double yellow lines.

  5. He lost his license after he killed a child while driving carelessly.

  6. Make sure you look both ways before crossing the road.

  7. I had to stand at the back of the hall. There wasn't an empty seat anywhere.

  8. I joined a long queue of people standing outside the box office.

  9. I think the best way to see a city is to go on a guided tour.

4. Prepositions

  1. There are too many cars in / on the roads nowadays.

  2. Many tourists are attracted into / to the city by its beautiful buildings.

  3. Could you keep my place in / on the queue while I go to the toilet?

  4. When are you setting off for / on your journey round the world?

  5. Call into our office and we will issue you for / with a replacement ticket.

  6. He was driving so fast I had to hold onto / to my seat.