Phone and Telephone

Verb + phone

  • answer the phone

  • use the phone

  • pick up / put down the phone

  • get off the phone

  • come to the phone

  • charge your mobile phone

  • the phone rings

Phone + noun

  • a phone box

  • a phone call

  • your phone number

  • your phone bill

  • the telephone directory

Common expressions

  • be on the phone

  • put the phone down on (him)

  • the use of mobile phones

  • do something by phone

  • speak to her on the phone

  • leave the phone off the hook

  • your mobile phone


Verb + phone

  1. I was just going to sleep when the phone rang.

  2. I've rung at least four times in the last hour. Nobody is answering the phone.

  3. Do you mind if I use your phone to make a quick call?

  4. I forgot to charge my mobile phone last night, so that's why you couldn't reach me.

  5. When I saw the smoke, I picked up the phone and dialed 999.

  6. I wish Shaw would get off the phone. He's been on it for hours!

  7. It's a very bad line. Put the phone down and l'll call you straight back.

  8. I'm sorry he's too busy to come to the phone. Shall I get him to call you back later!

Phone + noun

  1. I'm sorry I don't have his phone number or his address.

  2. I'm sorry I wasn't able to return your phone call earlier. I've been away from the office for a few days.

  3. We tried looking up his number in the telephone directory but it wasn't in the book.

  4. We ran up a huge phone bill while we were away on holiday. I had no idea that international calls were that expensive!

  5. I think that phone boxes will soon be a thing of the past, now that nearly everybody has mobile phone.

Common expressions

  1. Who was that on the phone just now? - c

  2. Harry's number is still engaged. Maybe he's left the phone off the hook. - d

  3. The use of mobile phones is not permitted inside the aircraft. - e

  4. The line's gone dead. He's just put the phone down on me! - a

  5. You can place your order by phone or e-mail. - b


  1. Note the expression:

    I read the exam results out to him over the phone.

  2. Note the vocabulary we use specifically for mobile phones:

    1. My new mobile phone has 50 ringtones.

    2. I mostly use my mobile for texting.

    3. Is your mobile pay-as-you-go?

    4. My mobile needs re-charging.