
Verb + dress

  • try on a dress

  • wear a dress

  • make a dress

  • the dress fits you

  • the dress fastens (at the back)

Common expressions

  • a long / short dress

  • an old / a new dress

  • a cotton dress

  • look fantastic / sensational in a dress

  • (your hat) goes with / matches your dress


Verb + dress

  1. That's a very nice dress you're wearing. Is it silk!

  2. If the dress doesn't fit me, can I bring it back and get my money back?

  3. This dress fastens at the back. Can you zip me up, please!

  4. There weren't any changing rooms in the shop for me to try on the dress.

  5. My wife made her own wedding dress. It saved us a lot of money!

Common expressions

  1. You can’t wear those green shoes! They don't go with your dress. - e

  2. Beyonce looked absolutely sensational in the dress she wore to the MTV awards. - d

  3. Sheila wore a long white dress which reached all the way to the ground. - b

  4. I'm looking for a blue handbag to match this dress. - f

  5. Why don't you put on your new dress? I haven't seen it on you yet. - a

  6. On holiday in India, I wore short cotton dresses and sandals all the time. - c