
Verb + mirror

look in the mirror

stand in front of the mirror

break a mirror

Adjective + mirror

a full-length mirror

a large / small mirror

the bathroom mirror

the hall mirror


  1. There’s a full-length mirror behind the door of the wardrobe in the bedroom. (f)

  2. They say you get 7 years’ bad luck if you break a mirror. (d)

  3. There's a large mirror, hanging above the fireplace in the living room. (g)

  4. She never leaves the house without looking at herself in the hall mirror. (c)

  5. I find it difficult to shave when the bathroom mirror is all steamed up. (a)

  6. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed a small spot on the tip of my nose. (e)

  7. Rob was standing in front of a mirror, trying on a new suit, when I last saw him. (b)


Note the types of car mirror

I adjusted the side mirrors, then glanced in the rear-view mirror to see if anyone was behind me.

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