Minute, Hour, Week, Month, Year

Verb used with all key words

  • spend (a year in France)

  • take (a month to sail to South America)

  • last (a couple of hours)

  • wait (for 5 minutes)

  • waste (half an hour)

Key word + noun

  • a (30)-minute drive / walk / flight

  • a (5)-week waiting list

  • a (4)-year contract

  • a week's / month's notice

Key word + adjective / adverb

  • (5) minutes early / late

  • (6) months pregnant

  • (8) hours long

  • the (second) year running

Prepositional phrases

  • in a couple of minutes

  • for hours

  • during the week

  • at the end of the month

  • for the past year

(Number or amount) + a + key word

  • half an hour

  • (twice) a week

  • (£25) an hour

  • 100 (cars) an hour

  • (40) hours a week

Common expressions

  • leave something to the last minute

  • enjoy every minute of (the show)

  • work long hours

  • be open 24 hours a day (24/7)

  • the summer / winter months

  • have a bad / good / busy week


Verb collocations:

  1. Matthew, can I have a quick word! It won‘t take a minute.

  2. My son spends hours surfing the internet every day.

  3. It's taken me a whole week to write this essay!

  4. I had to wait weeks for my new passport to arrive!

  5. If you take good care of your bike, it should last for years.

Key word + noun

  1. My house is only a 5-minute walk from the school. - d

  2. I think it's about a six-hour flight from London to New York. -c

  3. I have to give at least two months' notice if I want to leave my job. - e

  4. There's now a six-month waiting list for a heart by-pass operation. - a

  5. Raul has signed a new three-year contract with Real Madrid. - b

Key word + adjective / adverb

  1. Most films nowadays are about two hours long.

  2. I was ten minutes late for my interview because I missed my bus.

  3. Manchester United have won the cup for the third year running.

  4. My wife's about five months pregnant now.

  5. We'd better have a coffee. We don't want to arrive a whole hour early.

Prepositional phrases

  1. Hang on. I'll be ready in a few minutes. - c

  2. I was awake for hours last night. - e

  3. I don't go out much during the week. - d

  4. I've been out of work for the past year. - b

  5. I get paid at the end of the month. - a

(Number / amount) + a + key word

  1. On average, I work about 35 hours a week.

  2. The job's not that well-paid. I only get £4 an hour.

  3. I get my hair cut about once a month.

  4. Edinburgh Castle attracts more than half a million tourists a year.

  5. I waited for nearly 30 minutes, but he didn't show up.

Common expressions

  1. The shop is very busy just now, so I'm working long hours - about 60 a week! - d

  2. It's quite cold here in winter and very hot during the summer months. - e

  3. The supermarket is open 24 hours a day. - f

  4. Why do you always leave things to the last minute! - a

  5. I went skiing for the first time last week and enjoyed every minute of it. - c

  6. Don't mention the office! I've had a bad week! - b


  1. Note that in all the sentences in exercise 5, except no 5, we can use 'per' in place of a / an:

    He was driving at over 150 km per hour when the police stopped him.

  2. Note these expressions:

    1. That's the best news I've heard all week!

    2. My kids get endless hours of fun from computer games.

    3. I've just bought a new house, so I can't afford to go on holiday this year.