
Verb + shop

  • the shop opens / close (at 9)

  • the shop sells (newspapers)

  • work in a shop

  • go (down) to the shops

  • run a shop

  • break into a shop

  • leave the shop

Types of shop

  • a coffee shop

  • a pet shop

  • a shoe shop

  • a souvenir shop

  • a toy shop

  • a small / corner shop

  • a charity shop

Common expressions

  • buy (it) in a shop

  • take (it) back to the shop

  • steal (a tie) from a shop

  • wander around the shops

  • be available in the shops


Verb + shop

  1. My neighbor is the manager of a shoe shop in London. He's been running it for 5 years.

  2. WH Smiths is a really good shop. It sells a wide range of magazines.

  3. We'll need to go(down) to the shops today - we've got no food in the house.

  4. The shop opens at 8am, but it's closed for lunch between 12.30 and 1.30.

  5. I always check my change before I leave the shop.

  6. My girlfriend works in a shoe shop in the Gyle shopping center.

  7. Thieves broke into the shop last night and stole a number of DVD recorders.

Types of shop

  1. We went to three pet shops before we found a cat that we both liked. - d

  2. Today it's difficult for small shops to compete against the big supermarkets. - f

  3. I got him a computer game from the local toy shop. - e

  4. Like many souvenir shops, it was full of cheap gifts. - a

  5. I get most of my clothes from charity shops. They're cheaper there. - c

  6. Coffee shops are opening up everywhere. There's a Starbucks on nearly every corner! - b

Common expressions

  1. The security guard caught him trying to steal two pairs of trousers from the shop.

  2. My wife bought the most expensive dress in the shop!

  3. If there's something wrong with the clock, take it back to the shop.

  4. I love wandering around the shops at the weekend.

  5. There are many different types of MP3 player available in the shops.


  1. Note these expressions:

  • The shop was out of milk. (It had none left.)

  • My flat is handy for the shops. (It's near the shops.)

  • The shop is open 24 hours a day.

  • The shops are always busier at the weekend.

  1. Note these expressions with 'shopping':

  • Shopping is one of my favorite pastimes.

  • We’re going shopping after work. Do you want to come along?

  • You can do your shopping from home using the internet.

  • Late-night shopping is becoming very popular.

  • I've got to do some last-minute shopping for Christmas presents.

  • Have you tried internet shopping?