
Verb + sock

  • wear socks

  • change your socks

  • put on your socks

Common expressions

  • a pair of socks

  • woolen socks

  • ankle / knee-length socks

  • sports socks

  • a hole in your sock


Verb + sock

  1. Give me a minute to put my shoes and socks on, and I'll come with you.

  2. When the weather is this hot, I don't wear socks.

  3. What a smell! I wonder when he last changed his socks.

Common expressions:

  1. Why not give Uncle George a pair of socks for Christmas? - d

  2. I need to buy some new sport socks before the tennis match this weekend. - e

  3. Do you know you've got a hole in your sock? - a

  4. My gran always knits me warm woolen socks for the winter. - c

  5. I think ankle socks and trainers look silly! - b