
Verb + address

  • write / print your address

  • send your address to (him)

  • swap / exchange addresses

  • give me (your) address

  • get (their) address

  • lose (your) address

Types of address

  • your current address

  • your e-mail address

  • your full address

  • your new address

  • a return address

  • the above address

  • (give) a false address


Verb + address

  1. I can give you the address of a good dentist if you ever need one.

  2. Please write your name and address in capital letters at the top of the paper.

  3. Graham hasn't written to me for some time. Perhaps he's lost my address.

  4. For further details, send your name and address to BCR, PO Box 435, London.

  5. Tell me. How did you get my address?

  6. We exchanged / swapped addresses with the people we met on holiday, and promised to send them some photographs when we got back home.

Types of address

  1. Please write your full address clearly on the form. - b

  2. He gave a false name and address to the police. - f

  3. I think Mark's e-mail address is on his business card. - e

  4. Interviews will be held at the above address on the 2nd of December. - a

  5. Once l've found somewhere to live, I'll send you my new address. - g

  6. I didn't know who to send it back to. There was no return address on the parcel. - d

  7. The last address I have for him is in Boston. I don't know his current address. - c


  1. Note these expressions:

    • I'm afraid there's nobody called McDonald at this address.

    • Please inform us of any change of address.

    • I'll just take a note of your name and address. (write it down)

  2. You write your full address or your address in full.