
Common expressions

  • cut cheese

  • grate cheese

  • hard / soft cheese

  • grated cheese

  • moldy cheese

  • low-fat cheese

  • a chunk of cheese


Common expressions

  1. Low-fat cheeses are becoming very popular with people who are trying to lose weight. - f

  2. I bought bread and a large chunk of cheese to have for lunch. - e

  3. We found a piece of moldy cheese at the bottom of the fridge. - d

  4. I take soft cheeses to work because they are easy to spread on bread. - c

  5. Grate the cheese, then sprinkle it over the mashed potatoes. - b

  6. Could you cut me a piece of cheese, please? - a


Note the expression:

She can't eat dairy products such as milk and cheese. She's allergic to them.