Tongue, Lips, Kiss, Smile


  • bite your tongue

  • burn your tongue

  • stick your tongue out (at someone)


  • lick your lips

  • lift ... to your lips

  • dry lips

  • put on some lipstick


  • give (him) a kiss

  • your first kiss

  • a big kiss

  • a goodnight kiss


  • a friendly smile

  • a lovely smile

  • have a smile on (his) face


Verb collocations

  1. I burned my tongue on the soup. It was far too hot.

  2. His interview must have gone well. When he came out, he had a big smile on his face.

  3. I licked my lips at the thought of all the lovely food we would have at the party.

  4. A little boy stuck his tongue out at me on the bus today. What a cheek!

  5. She lifted the glass to her lips and slowly sipped her wine.

  6. I accidentally bit my tongue while I was eating! It's still quite sore.

Adjective collocations

  1. When I arrived at the airport, my wife ran up to me and gave me a big kiss.

  2. The hotel receptionist greeted me with a friendly smile.

  3. My mother always gave us a goodnight kiss before she turned out the lights.

  4. My lips are really dry and sore. I'll need to put some cream on them.

  5. Linda is a very warm person, and she has such a lovely smile.

  6. I don't think anybody ever forgets their first kiss. Do you remember yours?