
Common expressions

look up at the sky

the sky brightens

the sky darkens

(snow) falls down from the sky

a blue sky

a grey sky

the sky clears

(clouds) drift across the sky

a clear sky

a cloudless sky

the night sky


Common expressions

  1. A huge fire at a nearby factory lit up the night sky. (c)

  2. I like to see the sun. Grey skies make me fell depressed. (e)

  3. I think the sky’s beginning to clear. I can see a few blue patches among the clouds. (a)

  4. A few white clouds drifted across the sky. (f)

  5. The sky suddenly darkened when the sun moved behind some black clouds. (b)

  6. We looked at the clear blue sky. There wasn’t a cloud in sight! (d)


Note this expression:

The castle stood out against the evening sky.