Child / Children

Verb + child

  • have a child

  • have children

  • bring up children

  • raise children

  • look after children

  • teach children something

  • neglect children

  • adopt children

  • children play together

  • children tease each other

Adjective + child

  • a small child

  • a young child

  • grown-up children

  • well-behaved children

  • a gifted children

  • an only child

  • a spoilt child

  • the average child

Common expressions

  • ideal for children

  • (un)suitable for children

  • happy as a child

  • treat someone like a child


Verb + child / children

  1. My mother looks after the children every Monday. That's the day my wife is at the office.

  2. I believe in right and wrong, and I intend to bring up my children to know the difference.

  3. The children are out playing in the garden with their friends.

  4. I was very fat when I was a child and the other children teased me about it. They called me names like 'Porky'. Children can be very cruel.

  5. The children were taken into care by social services because their parents had started neglect them.

  6. I think it is important that children are taught how to share with others.

  7. Both our children are adopted. Sadly, we couldn't have any children of our own.

Adjective + child / children

  1. I'm an only child. I often wish I had a brother or a sister.

  2. The house is quiet these days. All of our children are grown-up and married now.

  3. He has a wife and three young / small children to support. The eldest is only 5.

  4. Nowadays, the average child spends about 20 hours a week watching television

  5. My brother is very clever. He goes to a special school for gifted children.

  6. Callum! Stop behaving like a spoiled child. You can't have everything you want!

  7. The teacher gave the children a chocolate for being so well-behaved at the school concert.

Common expressions

  1. I was very happy as a child. - c

  2. The hotel has a leisure centre and is ideal for children. - a

  3. The film contains a lot of violence and is unsuitable for young children. - d

  4. Would you stop treating me like a child! I'm 6 and I can make up my own mind! - b


  1. Note the expression:

    Shaun won't understand - he's just a child!

  2. Your step-children are the children of your partner's previous marriage.