Scarf and Gloves

Expressions with scarf

  • wear / tie a scarf round your neck

  • a football / school scarf

  • a long scarf

Expressions with gloves

  • wear gloves

  • put on / take off gloves

  • rubber / leather / woolen gloves

  • a pair of gloves


Common expressions

  1. Can you help me? I'm having trouble putting on these gloves. - d

  2. I put on my coat and wound a long scarf around my neck. -e

  3. Why don't you throw those old gloves away and buy a new pair! - f

  4. I had to take off my gloves in order to tie my shoe laces. - a

  5. We're not allowed to wear football scarves to school. - c

  6. I always wear rubber gloves when I do the washing up. - b