
Verb + bike

  • ride a bike

  • get on / off your bike

  • fall off your bike

  • hire a bike

  • knock somebody off their bike

Common expressions

  • have a go on someone’s bike

  • go for a ride on your bike

  • lean your bike against (a wall)

  • chain your bike to (a gate)

  • your bike has a puncture


1. Verb + bike

  1. Unfortunately, I fell off my bike and broke my arm in two places.

  2. I couldn't get on my dad's bike. It was too big for me.

  3. My younger brother is learning to ride a bike at the moment.

  4. I have to get off my bike and push it up a steep hill to get to school.

  5. I nearly had an accident today. Some idiot in a car almost knocked me off my bike!

  6. I always hire a bike when I'm on holiday. It's the best way to get around.

2. Common expressions

  1. At night I chain my bike to a lamppost so that nobody will steal it. - d

  2. I had to push my bike home from school today. It had a puncture in the front wheel. - e

  3. Neil's not in. He's gone for a ride on his bike. - b

  4. Can I have a go on your new bike? - c

  5. I leant my bike against the wall before I went into the shop. - a