
Verb + room

share a room

tidy your room

let out rooms

Common expressions

a bright room

a comfortable room

a tidy room

an untidy room

a single room

a double room

a twin room

the spare room

the next room

the room is crowded

the room is locked

a waiting room (at the station or hospital)


Verb + room

  1. Brian promised that he would tidy his room but he left it in a mess as usual.

  2. I used to share a room with my sister when I was young.

  3. My aunt has a very large house. She let out one of the rooms to a student.

Common expressions

  1. If Anne decides to stay the night, she can sleep in the spare room.

  2. My sister's room is always tidy, but mine is always in a mess.

  3. I'd like to book a double room with a balcony and a sea view, please.

  4. At the party the sitting room was so crowded, there was nowhere to sit.

  5. We'll need to find someone with a key. The room's locked.

  6. The kitchen is a very bright room. It gets the sun most of the day.

  7. I could clearly hear the television in the next room.

  8. The seats in the waiting room were hard and very uncomfortable.


  1. Note these different types of rooms:

    1. the bedroom

    2. the sitting/living room

    3. the dining room

    4. the bathroom

  2. Note these expressions:

    1. Their living room has a wonderful view. It looks onto the lake and you can see the mountains in the distance.

    2. Our living room overlooks the park.

    3. Have you seen the film or read the book, A Room with a View?

  3. Note the prepositions in these expressions:

    1. I looked around the room, but I couldn't see her.

    2. She was standing across the room from me. (on the other side of the room)