Waist and Back

Expressions with waist

  • strip to the waist

  • put your arms round (his) waist

  • wrap (a towel) round your waist

  • (your hair) reaches to your waist

Expressions with back

  • hurt your back

  • lie on your back

  • pat someone on the back

  • a sore / bad back


Expressions with waist

  1. While we were dancing, he put his arms round my waist and kissed me on the cheek.

  2. I got out of the bath and wrapped a towel round my waist to see who was at the door.

  3. Our teacher's got incredibly long hair. It reaches down to her waist!

  4. At boarding school we had to strip to the waist and wash ourselves in cold bathrooms.

Expressions with back

  1. I love getting my back rubbed. It's so relaxing. - d

  2. My back is sore after all that heavy work in the garden! - c

  3. We lay on our backs in the sun gazing up at the sky. - e

  4. I hurt my back while I was lifting some furniture. - a

  5. He's been off work for over a month now with a bad back. - b