
Verb + bed

go to bed

get out of bed

make your bed

change the bed

put (the children) to bed

Kinds of bed

a single / double bed

bunk beds

a soft / hard bed

a spare bed

an unmade bed

a comfortable bed

an uncomfortable bed

Common expressions

lie in bed (all morning)

be in bed by (10) o’clock

spend (a week) in bed

have breakfast in bed

smoke in bed

be tucked up in bed


verb + bed

  1. We've trained our kids to tidy their rooms and make their beds before they go to school in the morning.

  2. I was very tired when I got home, so I went straight to bed.

  3. I had a lazy day yesterday. I didn't get out of bed untill lunchtime.

  4. Oh, it’s you Mary! Jane’s upstairs putting the children to bed. I’ll get her to ring you back later. Is that OK?

  5. I think we'd better change the beds before your parents come for the weekend. You know what your mother is like?

kinds of bed

  1. I’m afraid we don’t have a double room, but we have a twin with two single beds.

  2. The bed’s too soft for me. I prefer a very hard mattress.

  3. Thanks. I slept very well. It was a really comfortable bed.

  4. You can spend the night here if you want - we have a spare bed.

  5. When I was a boy, my brother and I had bunk beds. I slept on the top bunk.

  6. Our daughter’s room is in a mess as usual. The bed’s unmade and there’re dirty clothes all over the floor.

common expressions

  1. Last Saturday I lay in bed all morning and read a book. (c)

  2. I like to be in bed by 10 o’clock on weekdays. (f)

  3. My father always has breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning. (a)

  4. It can be dangerous to smoke in bed. (e)

  5. I spent four days in bed with flu last week. (b)

  6. The children are safely tucked up in bed. (d)

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