Test 20










Identifying the key word

  1. [pencil] - break, sharpen, use, blunt

  2. [magazine] - read, subscribe to, write for, issue

  3. [stamp] - buy, lick, stick on, first-class

  4. [newspaper] - read, glance at, local, copy

  5. [pen] - hold, not work, write with, black

  6. [envelop] - address, open, write on

  7. [paper] - cut, fold, tear, recycled

  8. [parcel / package] - collect, deliver, send, weigh

  9. [form] - fill in, sign, application, order

  10. [address] - exchange, print, full, e-mail

Choose the correct collocation

  1. Have you got a copy / an issue of today's newspaper I could borrow?

  2. I pay / subscribe to a number of magazines, including Mojo and NME.

  3. This pen's not going / working. Have you got a spare one you can lend me?

  4. I need to sharpen my pencil. It's blunt / short.

  5. Use a clean page / sheet of paper for each answer.

  6. When you've finished filling in / up the form, hand it into the office.

  7. Write your address in full / whole on the form.

Key word quiz

  1. Make sure you sign the application form before you send it to us.

  2. Can I borrow your sharpener? I've broken my pencil.

  3. Write on both sides of the paper.

  4. It’s a very colorful magazine, aimed at young people between the ages of 15 and 18.

  5. Don't forget to enclose a stamped addressed envelope with your entry form.

  6. I've lost his address, but I've got his telephone number, if that's any help to you.

  7. Please use a black pen to fill out the form.

  8. I only had time to glance through the newspaper before I left for work.

  9. Can you weigh this parcel / package and tell me how much it will cost to send by airmail!

  10. I hate licking stamps. It leaves a horrible taste in your mouth.


  1. He works as a journalist in / on one of the local newspapers.

  2. There's an interesting article for / on dieting in this magazine. Do you want to read it?

  3. Please write in / with pencil. Don't use a pen.

  4. Remember to stick a stamp on / to the envelope.

  5. There's a parcel waiting for / on you at the post office.