
Common expressions

  • load / unload a lorry

  • drive a lorry

  • lorries carry things

  • lorries deliver things

  • lorries overturn

  • a heavy lorry


Common expressions

  1. You need a special license to drive a lorry in most countries.

  2. Fresh bread and milk are delivered by lorry every morning before the shop opens.

  3. Loading the lorry was hard work. I'm exhausted.

  4. The lorry in front of us was carrying sheep.

  5. A lorry carrying coal overturned on the main road yesterday. It blocked the main road for nearly six hours.


Note these expressions:

  • Heavy lorries can't cross the old bridge. They have to use the tunnel.

  • The road was closed after a lorry shed its load. (dropped what it was carrying)

  • A lorry ran into the back of me at the traffic lights. (hit my car at the back)