
Verb + bag

  • fill / pack a bag

  • empty a bag

  • carry a bag

  • lift / put down a bag

  • drop a bag

Bags at the airport

  • check in your bags

  • a mix-up with your bags

  • bags go astray

  • search your bags

Common expressions

  • a heavy / light bag

  • a shopping bag

  • a plastic bag

  • a handbag

  • carry a bag over your shoulder

  • (the camera) fits into your bag

  • look in your bag for (your wallet)

  • watch someone's bag


Verb + bag

  1. I tried to lift the biggest of the bags, but I wasn't strong enough.

  2. Can I carry those bags for you? They look heavy.

  3. I'm afraid that some of the eggs broke when I dropped the bag getting out of the car.

  4. A young shop assistant helped me to fill my bags at the supermarket checkout.

  5. I emptied the contents of my handbag on the table, but my missing earring wasn’t there.

Common expressions

  1. It's OK. I can carry both bags. They're quite light. - d

  2. I put my dirty washing into a plastic bag, and went to the launderette. - f

  3. She's left her handbag lying open on the table. - e

  4. My mobile and my palmtop fit easily into my handbag.

  • a

  1. Could you watch my bags while I go to the toilet? - g

  2. I've looked twice in my bag for the car keys, but they're not there. - b

  3. He arrived, carrying a large bag of clothes over his shoulder. - c

Bags at the airport

  1. Sorry, we’re so late. There was a mix-up with the bags from our flight.

  2. I don't think we need to check in this bag. It only weighs about 5 kilos.

  3. One of our bags went astray at Paris while we changed planes for Athens.

  4. They searched all my bags when I went through customs at Heathrow yesterday.