
Verb + police

  • call the police

  • the police arrest people

  • the police investigate (murders)

  • the police charge people with (murder)

  • the police search people for (guns)

  • the police warn people about (drugs)

  • the police kill

  • the police are injured

Common expressions

  • police officer

  • police station

  • police car

  • police on the streets

  • report a crime to the police

  • the police carry guns

  • the police offer rewards (for information)

  • the police appeal for witnesses to crimes


Verb + police

  1. Police have arrested two men in connection with last night's bank robbery in Exeter.

  2. The police have charged Samuel Newton with the murder of his parents.

  3. Police shot and killed three of the hijackers as they tried to escape from the plane.

  4. The police searched me for drugs at the airport. I wonder why they stopped me!

  5. Several police were badly injured during the demonstration, and were taken to hospital.

  6. When I heard the explosion, I immediately picked up the phone and called the police.

  7. The police have warned people in the area around the prison to lock their doors at night.

  8. Police are still investigating the murder of the Harwich shopkeeper. They haven't found the murder weapon yet.

Common expressions

  1. Did you report the theft of your bike to the police? - b

  2. Police have offered a £1,000 reward for information leading to the murderer's arrest. - d

  3. Police are appealing for witnesses to last night's fatal road accident. - f

  4. The British police do not normally carry guns. - g

  5. Crime will only go down when we have more police on the streets. - a

  6. Two police cars overtook us, lights flashing and sirens blaring. -h

  7. I had to go to the police station to identify the man I saw robbing the bank. - c

  8. It took 6 police officers to arrest the man. - e


  1. Note these expressions:

    Police made 20 arrests at yesterday's demonstration.

  2. The following expression means that the police think you committed the crime:

    A 35-year-old man is helping the police with their inquiries.

  3. Armed police are police who are carrying guns, etc:

    Armed police quickly surrounded the bank.