Play and Actor

Expressions with play

  • put on a play

  • be in a play

  • have a part in a play

  • write a play

Expressions with actor

  • become an actor

  • actors bow (at the end of a show)

  • a famous actor

  • a good / talented actor


Common expressions

  1. I've done a lot of acting. I've been in over 20 plays so far. - b

  2. Sam Desai has written plays for both television and the stage. - e

  3. Many British primary schools put on a nativity play at Christmas time. - g

  4. Yes, I've acted once before. I had a small part in the school play last year. - c

  5. For me, Jack Nicholson is one of the most talented actors l've ever seen. - f

  6. It's my dream to become a famous actor one day. - a

  7. All the actors came back onto the stage and bowed at the end of the performance. - d

  8. Note

    A female actor used to be called an actress. Today many prefer to be called actors.