
Adjective + breakfast

  • a (three)-course lunch

  • an early lunch

  • a late lunch

  • a light lunch

  • a packed lunch

  • a working lunch

  • Sunday lunch

Common expressions

  • be free for lunch

  • meet someone for lunch

  • have a (sandwich) for lunch

  • be closed for lunch

  • get (an hour) for lunch

  • break for lunch

  • (the bank) is closed for lunch


1. Adjective + lunch

  1. I only had a light lunch. I wasn't very hungry.

  2. The meeting will break for a short working lunch around midday.

  3. I just had the two-course lunch. I didn't feel like dessert.

  4. It's an all-day trip so bring a packed lunch with you.

  5. The British traditionally have roast beef for Sunday lunch.

  6. We had an early lunch, so that we could spend the whole afternoon shopping.

2. Common expressions

  1. I said I'd meet him for lunch if I could get away. - b

  2. Are you free for lunch today? - a

  3. At work we're only allowed half an hour for lunch. - d

  4. The post office is closed for lunch between 12.30 and 1.30. - c

  5. Nowadays, a lot of people just have a sandwich for lunch. - f

  6. We plan to break for lunch around 12. - e