
Common expressions

  • wear a shirt

  • a plain / striped / checked shirt

  • a short-sleeved / long-sleeved shirt

  • a clean / dirty shirt

  • a cotton shirt

  • a T-shirt

  • your shirt collar

  • your shirt sleeves


Common expressions

  1. He was wearing jeans and a T-shirt with “Feet the World” on it. - c

  2. Do you know your collar's dirty? I think it's time you put on a clean shirt. - e

  3. I prefer cotton shirts, but you do have to iron them! - a

  4. Although I work in an office, I don't need to wear a shirt and tie. - f

  5. I find short-sleeved shirts much more comfortable in summer. - b

  6. I rolled up my shirt sleeves and started washing the dishes. - d


  1. An open-necked shirt means you do not have the top button done up.

  2. You button up your shirt and unbutton it.

  3. Note this expression:

    One of my shirt buttons is missing.