Test 13














Identifying the key word

  1. [skin]- fair, dark, itchy, soft

  2. [nail]- break, bite, grow, paint

  3. [stomach]- lie on, rumble, full, upset

  4. [arm]- break, fold, stiff, long

  5. [knee]- bend, hurt, graze, scrape

  6. [finger]- cut, point, snap, tap

  7. [back]- hurt, lie on, bad, sore

  8. [foot]- wash, wide, bare, smelly

  9. [muscle]- massage, pull, tense, stiff

  10. [waist]- strip to, put (a towel) round

  11. [body]- ache, exercise, dead, run-down

  12. [leg]- break, stretch, thin, tired

  13. [toe]- stand on, step on, touch

  14. [wrist]- break, cut, hold, sprain

The correct collocation

  1. When I had the flu my body was hurting / aching all over.

  2. I hurt / pulled a muscle in my leg while I was playing tennis and had to stop.

  3. She ate something that hurt / upset her stomach.

  4. I hurt / upset my back lifting some heavy boxes.

Key word quiz

  1. He broke his left leg playing football. He's now on crutches.

  2. I fell off my bike and scraped all the skin off my knees and elbows.

  3. I don't know how he can walk across the hot sand in his bare feet.

  4. He sat down and folded his arms across his chest.

  5. I missed breakfast and my stomach was rumbling all through the meeting.

  6. Can you touch your toes? I can only do it if I bend my knees.

  7. He snapped his fingers to attract the waiter's attention.

  8. He's been off work for months with a bad back.

  9. After work, I got my wife to massage the tense muscles in my neck.

  10. Believe it or not, his hair reaches down to his waist.


  1. Don't point your finger at / to me!

  2. He was carrying a newspaper in / under his arm.

  3. The teacher patted me in / on the back and said 'Well done!'

  4. I wrapped a towel round / on my waist.

  5. I don't know why he hit me in / on the stomach.

  6. He apologized for stepping on / over my toes.