
Common expressions

  • build up / develop your muscles

  • relax / tense your muscles

  • massage (tense) muscles

  • pull a muscle

  • (a bath) soothes tired muscles

  • muscles feel stiff


Common expressions

  1. Try not to tense the muscles in your stomach so much. Breathe out slowly and try to relax them.

  2. I use weights in the gym to build up my muscles.

  3. Our best player won’t be able to play on Saturday because he's pulled a muscle.

  4. After a hard day at work, I get my wife to massage the tense muscles in my back.

  5. My leg muscles usually feel stiff for days after I've run a marathon.

  6. After the football match, I had a long, hot bath to soothe my tired and aching leg muscles.


Note this expression:

How can the guards at the palace gates stand for hours without moving a muscle?