
Common expressions

a waiter clears your plate away

drop a plate

smash a plate

pile plates (in the sink)

heap food on your plate

a plate of salad

Types of plate

an empty plate

a dinner plate

a soup plate

a dirty plate

a clean plate


Common expressions

  1. I dropped one of my mother’s favorite plates on the floor and it smashed. How can I tell her? She’s going to be very upset.

  2. We all rushed to the buffet and heaped food onto our plates. We were absolutely starving!

  3. At the end of the meal, we piled the dirty plates in the sink and left them overnight.

  4. When we had finished eating, the waitress cleared away our plates, and brought coffee.

Types of plate

  1. Could you get the soup plates, please. It’s ready to serve. (d)

  2. Would you take away the dinner plates and bring some bowls for the sweet? (c)

  3. Waiter! This plate’s dirty. Could you bring me a clean one, please? (b)

  4. He looked up from his empty plate and asked if there was any more paella. (a)

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