
Verb + seat

  • give up your seat

  • save someone a seat

  • leave your seat

  • reserve a seat

  • the seat is taken

Adjective + seat

  • a back seat

  • an empty seat

  • a good seat

  • a reclining seat

  • a comfortable seat

  • an uncomfortable seat

  • a window seat

  • an aisle seat

Common expressions

  • get up from your seat

  • show someone to their seat

  • hold onto your seat

  • climb into your seat

  • someone is in your seat


Verb + seat

  1. The 8 o'clock is a very busy train, so it's a good idea to reserve a seat.

  2. Save me a seat if you get there before me.

  3. Excuse me. Is this seat free or has it been taken?

  4. I gave up my seat on the bus to a pregnant woman.

  5. Please do not leave your seat until the plane has come to a complete standstill and the seatbelt sign has been switched off.

Adjective + seat

  1. There were no empty seats left in the hall when I arrived. There was standing room only.

  2. I always feel sick in the back seat of a car. That's why I prefer to sit in the passenger seat.

  3. On a plane I prefer an aisle seat to a window seat. It's easier to get in and out.

  4. We arrived early at the concert to be sure of getting a good seat.

  5. They were the most uncomfortable seats l've ever sat in. They were incredibly small and very hard.

  6. We travelled by luxury coach with reclining seats. You could lie back and sleep quite comfortably.

Common expressions

  1. A member of the cabin crew showed us to our seats. - d

  2. He climbed into the driver's seat and drove off. - c

  3. My ticket says 27G, but there's already someone in that seat. - b

  4. I had to hold onto my seat as the bus went around the corner. - a


  1. If you ask someone to take a seat, you are asking them politely to sit down:

    Please take a seat. Mr Smith will be with you in a few minutes.

  2. Note the expression:

    Make sure your seat is in the upright position for landing. (on a plane)

  3. Note these expressions with 'seatbelt':

  • Remember to wear your seatbelt in the car.

  • Please fasten your seatbelt for take-off.

  • I hate to think what could have happened if we hadn't been wearing seatbelts.