
Verb + sugar

  • contain sugar

  • have / take sugar in (tea)

  • put sugar on something

  • sprinkle sugar on / over (the fruit)

Common expressions

  • a teaspoon / spoonful of sugar

  • a sachet of sugar

  • a sugar cube

  • a (high / low) sugar content

  • your intake of sugar

  • take (a sweetener) in place of sugar


Verb + sugar

  1. Do you take / have sugar in your tea?

  2. It's pure fruit juice. It contains no added sugar so it's OK for diabetics.

  3. When you take the cakes out of the oven, sprinkle a little granulated sugar over them.

  4. Jason, there's no need to put sugar on your cereal. It's sweet enough already!

Common expressions:

  1. If you're serious about losing weight, reduce your intake of sugar. - f

  2. Most canned soft drinks have a high sugar content. - c

  3. I tore open the sachet of sugar and it spilled all over the table. - d

  4. She puts five spoonfuls of sugar in her tea! No wonder she has such bad teeth. - b

  5. There's some sugar cubes in the bowl on the table. - e

  6. Try adding fruit to your breakfast cereal in place of sugar. - a


  1. Note this expression:

    I like two sugars in my coffee. (two spoonfuls)

  2. A sugar cube is sometimes called a sugar lump.

  3. If something has a high sugar content, we sometimes say that it is high in sugar:

    Most junk food is high in sugar and salt.

  4. You sometimes read on labels that something is sugar-free or has no added sugar.

    • Is this juice sugar-free?

    • Natural orange juice with no added sugar.