
Student + verb

  • students are taught

  • students graduate

  • students drop out

  • students are bullied

Adjective + student

  • an angry student

  • a bright / brilliant student

  • a hard-working student

  • a lazy student

  • your fellow students

  • a former student

  • a full-time / part-time student

Common expressions

  • students do (French)

  • students adapt to (university) life

  • students find accommodation

  • students have debts

  • students discounts


Verb + student

  1. Our students are taught through lectures, seminars and individual tutorials.

  2. I hated school because I was bullied by some of the other students.

  3. About 90% of our students graduate from university with degrees. Unfortunately, the other 10% drop out after their first year.

Adjective + student

  1. Eva is a brilliant / bright student - she should get a first-class degree.

  2. Hundreds of angry students held demonstrations in the university square to protest about the cuts in education.

  3. Greg is a very hard-working student. He's also extremely popular with his fellow students.

  4. I retired from teaching many years ago, but still get cards from my former students.

  5. I'm a full-time student at the moment, but I'm thinking of going part-time because I'm finding it difficult to pay for the course, my food and accommodation.

  6. Colin’s a very lazy student - he's never handed in an essay on time!

Common expressions:

  1. Some students have difficulty adapting to college life away from home. - b

  2. Students get a 10% discount on all books in the store. - a

  3. It's difficult for students to find somewhere nice to live in some cities. - e

  4. In the UK, some students have huge debts by the time they graduate from university. - c

  5. Most of the students at my college are doing business courses. - d


Note these types of student:

  • The college library has facilities for disabled students.

  • The university has a large number of overseas students. Many of them are from China.

  • There are a number of mature students living on campus. Some have children.