
Verb + rain

rain starts

rain stops

rain spreads

the rain held off

get caught in the rain

pour with rain

rain beat against (the window)

Noun + preposition + rain

a drop of rain

a possibility of rain

a shower of rain

the sound of rain

a break in rain

Adjective + rain

heavy rain

torrential rain

light rain

Common expressions

take shelter from the rain

get (soaking) wet in the rain

bring (it) in out of the rain


Verb + rain

  1. When we were in Wales, it poured with rain from the moment we arrived.

  2. I got caught in the rain and was soaked from head to toe.

  3. I hope the rain holds off until we get home. I don’t have a coat or an umbrella with me.

  4. The rain beat against my bedroom window all night and kept me awake.

  5. Heavy rain is falling in Rome this morning and will spread later to the north of the country.

  6. I ran for shelter as the rain started.

Adjective + rain

  1. The weather forecast says we’re in for more heavy rain tomorrow. (c)

  2. I didn’t need an umbrella as the rain was very light. (a)

  3. I had to drive slowly through the torrential rain.(b)

Noun + preposition + rain

  1. According the forecast, there’s a strong possibility of rain this afternoon.

  2. I’m sure I felt a few drops of rain on my face just now.

  3. There was hardly a break in the rain all day. It never really stopped once!

  4. Our barbecue was ruined by a heavy shower of rain.

  5. We couldn’t hear ourselves talking for the sound of rain on the roof of the car.

Common expressions

  1. We took shelter from the rain in a nearby cafe.

  2. We got soaking wet in the rain on the way home from school.

  3. Shouldn’t we bring the washing in out of the rain?

  4. It was a miserable day. It poured with rain all afternoon.


  1. Note these expressions:

  • It looks like rain to me. (I think it’s going to rain.)

  • I hope the rain lets up for the weekend. (finally stops)

  • This rain looks as if it has set in for the rest of the day. (started and will continue)

  • The rain is expected to last all weekend. (will continue)

  1. Notice these ways of saying the rain was very heavy:

  • It was pouring with rain.

  • It was pouring.

  • It was bucketing with rain.

  • It was bucketing.