
Verb + journey

  • set off on a journey

  • make a journey

  • break your journey

  • complete your journey

  • the journey takes (an hour)

Adjective + journey

  • a long / short journey

  • a tiring journey

  • a safe journey

  • the return journey

  • an awful journey

  • an uneventful journey


1. Verb + journey

  1. My journey to school takes from 40 minutes to an hour, depending on the traffic.

  2. Why do so many car drivers make the journey to work alone?

  3. Our train broke down and we had to complete the journey by coach.

  4. Harry set off on his journey across Asia about a month ago, but nobody has heard from him yet.

  5. It's always a good idea to break a long car journey. It reduces the risk of having an accident.

2. Adjective + journey

  1. Have a safe journey. We hope to see you again soon.

  2. Our house is only a short journey from the airport. It's only a five-minute drive away.

  3. You'd better save some money for the return journey.

  4. The journey home was very tiring. The roads were so busy I had to concentrate all the time.

  5. It's quite a long journey. It takes about 12 hours by bus or 9 by train.

  6. We arrived in Oslo after an uneventful journey - no delays, no problems whatsoever.

  7. We had an awful journey. First, there was heavy rain and then the car broke down.


  1. Note these common expressions:

  • How was the journey home?

  • We're still in touch with friends we made on the journey back from Stockholm.

  • The journey to work in the rush-hour is a nightmare.

  • The last stage / leg of the journey was by helicopter.

  1. Note the expression “journey time”:

  • Bad weather could add another hour to your journey time.

  • These new trains are much faster. They are going to cut an hour off the journey time.