
Verb + snow

snow falls

snow drifts

snow melts

clear snow (from a path)

Adjective + snow

deep snow

heavy snow

melting snow

Noun + of + snow

a blanket of snow

a fall of snow

a flake of snow (snowflake)


Verb + snow

  1. The snow has been falling steadily all day. It’s now about 10 centimeters deep.

  2. It took me over an hour to clear the snow from my front door to the street.

  3. I don’t think the snow will lie on the streets for very long. It’s already starting to melt.

  4. Snow had drifted against the garage door overnight and I couldn’t push it open.

Adjective + snow

  1. We had to struggle through deep snow to get there. It was knee-deep in places. (b)

  2. The melting snow has caused severe flooding in the area. (c)

  3. Many villages have been cut off by heavy snow. All main roads are closed. (a)

Noun + of + snow

  1. The day was cold, with frequent falls of snow which only lasted a few minutes.

  2. A few flakes of snow fell, but it never really started to snow properly.

  3. Fresh snow fell during the night. The ground was covered in a thick blanket of snow when we got up.