
Verb + glasses

  • wear glasses

  • put your glasses on

  • have your glasses on

  • take your glasses off

  • (you) need glasses

  • break your glasses

Common expressions

  • sun glasses

  • reading glasses

  • thick glasses

  • a pair of glasses

  • can't see without your glasses


Verb + glasses

  1. I have to put my glasses on to see the television.

  2. Many young people don't like wearing glasses, and much prefer contact lenses.

  3. I accidentally sat on my glasses and broke them. I don't have a spare pair!

  4. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

  5. I couldn't really see what happened because I didn't have my glasses on.

  6. I'm beginning to have trouble reading small print. I think I need glasses. I'lI have to go for an eye test soon.

Common expressions

  1. I can't see without my glasses. You'll have to read the menu out to me. - e

  2. It's always a good idea to have two pairs of glasses. - d

  3. Why do security men always wear sunglasses? - b

  4. I had to put on my reading glasses to read the instructions on the jar. - c

  5. My friend is short-sighted and has to wear very thick glasses. - a


  1. It it rains, your glasses can steam up.

  2. If the doctor or optician asks you to remove your glasses, you take them off.