
Verb + baby

  • be expecting a baby

  • have a baby

  • look after a baby

  • feed a baby

  • hold a baby

  • wake a baby

  • call the baby (John, Julia)

Common expressions

  • a baby is born

  • a baby sleeps

  • a baby cries

  • a baby plays with (toys)

  • the baby weighs (3) kilos

  • their baby is due (in August)


Verb + baby

  1. Did you hear that Janet had a baby girl early this morning.

  2. We’re expecting our first baby in August.

  3. After the birth, Moira went back to work and her husband stayed at home to look after the baby.

  4. When I held my tiny baby in my arms for the first time, I was so happy.

  5. I went into the room very quietly, so as not to wake the baby.

  6. We're thinking of calling the baby Unda after her grandmother.

  7. I have to feed the baby every three or four hours. No wonder I'm so tired.

Common expressions

  1. I didn't get any sleep last night. The baby wouldn't stop crying.

  2. The baby only weighed about 2 kilos at birth. He was born a month premature.

  3. The baby was lying in her pram playing **with a rattle.

  4. When's the baby due? I heard it was January.

  5. I don't really want to know the sex of my baby before it's born.

  6. Try not to make too much noise. The baby's sleeping.