Employer, Employee, (un)employment

Common Expression

  • get a reference from your (present / last) employer

  • employees are laid off / made redundant

  • (comanies, factories) provide employment

  • employer-employee relations

  • employment agency

  • unemployment benefit

  • high / low unemployment

  • unemployment rate


Common Expressions

  1. I live in an area of high unemployment. It's almost impossible to find a job.

  2. The new shoe factory will provide employment for hundreds of local people.

  3. We will need a reference from your last employer before we interview you.

  4. The shipyard has had to lay off about 100 employees because it has had no new orders.

  5. Employer-employee relations have sunk to an low. A strike is planned.

  6. The unemployment rate is now at 15% and it's still rising!

  7. I got a job as a secretary through an employment agency.

  8. Are you claiming unemployment benefit while you're out of work?


Note these expression:

  • The National Health Service is the largest single employer in our town.

  • The government is determined to bring down unemployment.

Last updated